

terça-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2012


ão acho nada,
não encontro coisa alguma

Me esbarro no lixo do lixo

Divago com a janela aberta

Olho a textura do tempo seco
Olho o copo sujo de vinho
com o azedume do ontem

Só consigo atinar em marchas fúnebres

Mas alinhavo a minha trajetória
Tentando poupar-me
para esculpir novos dias que amanhecem

Sem vigor,
Sem rubores

vou costurando o dia a dia até o anoitecer...

The end


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You think water moves fast? You should see ice. It moves like it has a mind. Like it knows it killed the world once and got a taste for murder. After the avalanche, it took us a week to climb out. Now, I don't know exactly when we turned on each other, but I know that seven of us survived the slide... and only five made it out. Now we took an oath, that I'm breaking now. We said we'd say it was the snow that killed the other two, but it wasn't. Nature is lethal but it doesn't hold a candle to man.

You see? It's curious. Ted did figure it out - time travel. And when we get back, we gonna tell everyone. How it's possible, how it's done, what the dangers are. But then why fifty years in the future when the spacecraft encounters a black hole does the computer call it an 'unknown entry event'? Why don't they know? If they don't know, that means we never told anyone. And if we never told anyone it means we never made it back. Hence we die down here. Just as a matter of deductive logic.